The many beings are numberless, I vow to save them.
Greed, hatred, and ignorance rise endlessly, I vow to abandon them.
Dharma-gates are countless, I vow to wake to them.
Buddha’s Way is unsurpassed, I vow to embody it fully.
The Four Bodhisattva Vows, expressing our resolution to attain awakening in order to liberate all sentient beings, are fundamental to the Zen Buddhist path. But how can we possibly conceive of fulfilling this seemingly impossible declaration? As Shohaku Okumura points out:
This verse…is one of the shortest we recite. It is also one of the most important and challenging to understand. It is difficult in part because the meaning of vow in this verse departs from the usual English meaning of ‘solemn promise’ or ‘personal commitment.’ In Buddhism vow has a much larger and more complex meaning.
What is the nature of vow in Zen practice, and how is it expressed in the reality of our everyday lives? For those interested in exploring these questions through deepened zen meditation and study, ZDS will be offering a 38-day Intensive Practice Period from November 1 through the end of Rohatsu on December 8, 2022.
During this period, we will create a community of practitioners engaged in and exploring the dharma in our daily lives. Each participant will individually maintain daily practice commitments, while also meeting together periodically in-person and/or via Zoom with the other Intensive participants to learn and share.
Participation in the Intensive requires advance registration and a set of commitments. To become a participant, you must be willing to engage in:
Daily zazen practice.
Throughout November, attendance at a weekly dharma talk/discussion with Dan Dorsey Roshi and a weekly on-line support circle meeting led by a senior ZDS practitioner.
Samu – mindful work practice of your choice at home, at the zendo, or elsewhere.
Personal dharma study – reading a zen-related book or other zen-related learning activity of your choice.
Participation, either full- or part-time, in the Rohatsu sesshin (Dec 3-8; click here for details).
These requirements are further described on the Commitment Form here:
2022 Intensive Practice Period Commitment Form
(Please know that we are happy to consider modified commitments for anyone who wishes to participate and has schedule conflicts or other concerns.)
If you are interested in participating, please complete the Commitment Form and return it to Deadline for registration is October 28, 2022.
If you have questions, contact Dan Dorsey at