Our Organzational Structure
Buddham saranam gaccha-mi I take refuge in the Buddha
Dhammam saranam gaccha-mi I take refuge in the Dharma
Sangham saranam gaccha-mi I take refuge in the Sangha.
The cultivation of community, or sangha, is ultimately to commit to the truth of our interconnectedness and interdependence. The sangha strives to create and maintain a container that provides full support to individual and group practice. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in a full range of practice activities.
At ZDS, our sangha is led and supported by those who have declared themselves as members. ZDS has a Board of Directors elected annually from among the membership. Board meetings are held monthly -- generally on the second Saturday of each month at noon -- and everyone is invited to participate. Minutes of these meetings are taken.
Any decisions that go beyond the routine running of ZDS involve the entire community, and require a super-majority vote of the full members.
Current board members are:
Joann Schultz - President
Robert Wegener - Vice President
Patty Kelly - Treasurer
Paul Sagerman - Secretary
Mark Schildt - Director at Large
Richard Eaton - Alternate
Gary Monroe - Alternate
In accordance with its status as a charitable organization, the organization of ZDS conforms to a set of formal bylaws.