Resident Teacher
Our Resident Teacher
Pat Hawk Roshi, a dharma heir of Robert Aitken Roshi, graced Zen Desert Sangha as our Guiding Teacher from 1989 until his retirement in late 2011. Hawk Roshi passed away on May 8, 2012.
We are grateful to have one of Pat Hawk Roshi's dharma heirs as a resident teacher at Zen Desert Sangha:
Dan Dorsey Roshi is a Zen Master in the Diamond Sangha and a Dharma heir of Pat Hawk Roshi. He began practicing Zen in a Zen Soto temple in 1981, where he lived outside of Tokyo and other places in Japan for three years. He moved to Tucson, AZ in 1985 and joined the Zen Desert Sangha, where he sat sesshins with Nelson Foster Roshi and Robert Aitken Roshi. Dan became Pat Hawk Roshi's student in 1993 and studied with him until he retired from teaching in 2012. Pat Hawk Roshi appointed him an associate teacher in 2010 and Roshi in 2012.
Pat Hawk Roshi
Dan Dorsey