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Upcoming events at Zen Desert Sangha


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Zendo Re-Opening Ceremony

  • zen desert sangha 3226 n. martin ave tucson arizona usa (map)

For over a year, Zen Desert Sangha has been meeting and practicing as a virtual and nomad community, on Zoom and outdoors. To all who came newly to and/or sustained the space of practice during this time, we are deeply grateful.

At long last, we are able to safely come back together in body, spirit and space. Beginning on June 19, the building will officially be reopened, and we will be resuming our traditional practice within the zendo walls at 3226 N. Martin Avenue in Tucson.

To mark this transition, sangha members and friends are invited to a special morning of reconnection on Saturday, June 19th from 7-10 am. This will be an opportunity to be together, share our experiences of the past period, and help to re-establish our indoor sacred space. The morning’s schedule will include:

  • 7:00 am - Zazen (sitting meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation) outdoors in the backyard garden of the zendo

  • 8:00 am - Communal breakfast (provided by ZDS)

  • 8:45 am - Sangha Reuniting and Zendo Reentering Ceremony, led by Dan Dorsey Roshi

  • Th Re-entering the Zendo part of the ceremony will start at about 9:30am. It will be live streamed. Join us on-line via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93652952721?pwd=L3VmeFJ1ZnNwRkt1a2hkMzJKa1hKUT09

All of those who have practiced as part of our ZDS community are invited. To attend in person, kindly RSVP by clicking here

Earlier Event: June 16
Zazen & Dharma Talk (via Zoom)
Later Event: June 21
Monday Evening Zazen