Ever wondered about the little green statue on the altar in the zendo? Or about Jizo Bodhisattva? Come learn a bit about the variety of Jizo in Japanese and American culture, the six realms of Jizo's vow, and how my own loss has influenced my practice.
There will be one period of zazen (silent meditation) from 6:00-6:30 pm. The talk will begin at 6:30. Join zia Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/98653062838?pwd=cGQ2R01rSmRWTVFWVkR6RFFNTjN3dz09
Meeting ID: 986 5306 2838. Passcode: 038038
About Josie Campbell: A ZDS sangha member since 2003, Josie has been sitting sporadically for over 20 years at various zen centers . She has a BA in comparative religious studies and a particular interest in the history of Japanese Buddhism and its iconography.