upcoming events

Upcoming events at Zen Desert Sangha


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Saturday Morning Zazen -- both on-line and outdoors at ZDS

Some people are eager to return to in-person sitting, while others prefer to remain distanced at home. After reviewing current health recommendations, we are offering options to accommodate both: 

  • From 7:00-8:00 am on Zoom, we will have sutra service (chanting) followed by one round of zazen on-line. To attend, log on via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/93652952721?pwd=L3VmeFJ1ZnNwRkt1a2hkMzJKa1hKUT09 between 6:50-7:00 am. (Please note: For dokusan , send an email request to  zds@zendesertsangha.org by the Thursday night before so that a time for your phone-based meeting can be arranged.)

  • From 9:00-10:30 am in the backyard garden at ZDS, we will have three periods of zazen (sitting meditation), interspersed with kinhin (walking meditation). Dokusan (individual meeting with Dan Dorsey Roshi) will also be an option.

IMPORTANT! For the backyard sit, we welcome everyone who is willing to comply with infection control  protocols. Please do not come if you have COVID symptoms or know you've had a recent COVID exposure. If you would like to come, please review the following procedures so you can plan accordingly:

  • You will enter directly into the backyard through the north gate off the parking lot. The gate will be opened by 8:45 am; zazen will begin at 9:00.

  • Each participant must bring and wear a mask and practice appropriate distancing. A designated tanto will monitor this and intervene if needed.

  • There will not be a prescribed seating area for zazen; each person can find their preferred location within the yard with physical distancing (6 feet from others in all directions).

  • Cushions will not be provided by ZDS, but metal folding chairs will be available for those who wish. You are encouraged to bring your own setup (cushion, mat, bench, stool, etc.) from home; creative adaptations are most welcome!

  • Dress appropriate to the weather and time of year. A restroom will be available.

Questions or suggestions?  We'd like to hear from you. Please leave a message at (520) 319‐6260 or e‐mail us at zds@zendesertsangha.org

Earlier Event: January 1
New Year's Day Ceremony at ZDS
Later Event: January 4
Monday Evening Zazen