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Rohatsu Sesshin 2024

Rohatsu, conducted at Zen centers and monasteries throughout the world, commemorates the moment of the Buddha's enlightenment, which is traditionally celebrated on December 8. Leading up to that date, it is traditional to engage in intensive meditation practice that manifests the Buddha’s original determination as he sat beneath the Bodhi tree, vowing not to rise until he achieved true awakening.

In that spirit, we will be having fairly continuous practice from Tuesday evening, December 3 through noon on Sunday, December 8 -- in which you are invited to participate. The Rohatsu schedule, led by Dan Dorsey Roshi, will include zazen, liturgy, dokusan (private interview with the teacher), and public dharma talks -- with options to attend as little or as much as is right for you. You may participate in-person at the zendo or from home via Zoom, as appropriate to your circumstances.

To help with our planning, we request that participants complete a registration form indicating which days and times they will be present. Click here for the registration form.

Please attach the completed form to an email and send to dandorsey292@gmail.com. Additional details will be provided after your form is received.

Earlier Event: December 2
Monday Evening Zazen
Later Event: December 9
Monday Evening Zazen