This will be a half-day of intensive practice in which participants will be in their own homes but linked through Zoom. Led by Dan Dorsey Roshi, the zazenkai will include periods of sitting and walking meditation, sutras (chanting), individual meetings with the teacher (dokusan), and teisho (dharma talk). The schedule for the day will be as follows:
6:45 am Virtual zendo opens
6:55 Zazenkai begins with brief words from teacher
7:00-8:30 Zazen/kinhin
8:30-9:00 Brief break for breakfast - on your own
9:00-9:30 Sutra service followed by kinhin
9:30-10:30 Zazen/kinhin
10:30-11:00 Long kinhin - on your own, indoors or outdoors
11:00-Noon Zazen/kinhin
Noon Teisho (dharma talk)
12:30 Zazen
12:55 Final words from teacher
1:00 pm Zazenkai ends
To participate, pre-register by 3/31 at:
Those who can are requested to make a contribution up to the usual zazenkai fee ($35 for ZDS members; $45 for non-members) to help meet sangha expenses during this time of closure; please know, however, that everyone is welcome regardless of payment. An on-line donation button is located on the ZDS website homepage.
Questions? Email or call (520) 319‐6260.