This extended practice period, open to both new and seasoned practitioners, offers an intensive opportunity for meditation practice guided by ZDS Resident Teacher Dan Dorsey.
The Zazenkai/Weekend Sesshin/Extended Sesshin will begin on Friday evening, May 17 with cautions for Sesshin participants only (Zazenkai participants are welcome also as optional attendance), and at 6 am on Saturday, May 18th for everyone attending any of the three options offered. The options offered this year are a one day Zazenkai from 6 am – 3:30 pm on Saturday, a Weekend Sesshin that runs until noon on Sunday, and an Extended Sesshin that ends on Tuesday at 11 am. There is also the option for those who wish to participate via Zoom for any of the three options.
There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation (zazen/kinhin), sutras (chanting), individual meetings with the teacher (sosan/dokusan), and teisho (dharma talk).
(Further details TBA)