This extended practice period, open to both new and seasoned practitioners, offers an intensive opportunity for meditation practice guided by ZDS Resident Teacher Dan Dorsey.
The sesshin will begin at 6 am on Saturday and run through noon on Sunday. For those unable to attend the entire weekend, briefer “zazenkai style” participation from 6 am – 3 pm on Saturday can be elected.
There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation (zazen/kinhin), sutras (chanting), individual meetings with the teacher (sosan/dokusan), and teisho (dharma talk). A detailed schedule can be viewed by clicking here. Breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday and the Saturday mid-day meal are included.
Pre-registration by 5/18/22 is required; click here for the sign-up form: Late Spring 2022 Sesshin Registration
To help meet sangha expenses, we request those who can to make a contribution of the usual fee: Saturday-only is $35 for ZDS members and $45 for non-members; full weekend is $55 for members and $65 for non-members. Please know, however, that everyone is welcome regardless of payment. An on-line donation button is located on the ZDS website homepage.
Questions? Email or call (520) 319‐6260.