This extended practice period, open to both new and seasoned practitioners, offers an intensive opportunity for meditation practice guided by ZDS Resident Teacher Dan Dorsey.
Continuing our practice of COVID precautions, participants will be in their own homes and linked through Zoom.
The sesshin will begin at 6 am on Saturday and run through noon on Sunday. For those unable to attend the entire weekend, briefer “zazenkai style” participation from 6 am – 3 pm on Saturday can be elected.
There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation (zazen/kinhi), sutras (chanting), individual meetings with the teacher (sosan/dokusan), and teisho (dharma talk). The detailed schedule can be viewed by clicking here.
To participate, pre-register by 5/13 at:
Please note that you must pre-register even if just attend the Teisho in order to receive the Zoom link. If you have any difficulty with registration, please let us know.
To help meet sangha expenses during this time of closure, we request those who can to make a contribution of the usual fee: Saturday-only is $35 for ZDS members and $45 for non-members; full weekend is $55 for members and $65 for non-members. Pease know, however, that everyone is welcome regardless of payment. An on-line donation button is located on the ZDS website homepage.
Questions? Email or call (520) 319‐6260.