Zen Buddhist Centers throughout the world celebrate the New Year either on New Year’s evening or January 1st.
Please join us at the zendo on Saturday, New Year’s Day either in person or via Zoom. The New Year ceremony is experienced as a deep reflection and then letting go of the 108 defilements. There will also be a chance to write down something you either want to manifest or release during the New Year, and these will be burned in an urn in the backyard after the indoor portion.
The morning will start with the usual schedule of Saturday sitting from 7:30am to 10:30 am. The New Year ceremony will start at 10:45 am, with an abbreviated chanting service and short reading. We will then listen to the traditional 108 rings on the temple bell and reading of the defilements, followed by the burning of manifestations or releases in the backyard. To conclude, we will have the traditional toast and short sharing of words for the New Year.
For in-person participation, the usual Covid-19 protocol will be in effect at the zendo: wearing a mask indoors, maintaining at least 3-4 feet social distancing, and you must be fully vaccinated against Covid. If you have not already signed the sheet on the podium stating you are fully vaccinated, please do so upon entering the building.
Those who wish to participate from home can log in at 10:45 am on Zoom using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93652952721?pwd=L3VmeFJ1ZnNwRkt1a2hkMzJKa1hKUT09