This extended practice period, open to both new and seasoned practitioners, offers an intensive opportunity for meditation practice guided by ZDS Resident Teacher Dan Dorsey.
The sesshin will begin with dinner at 6 pm on Friday evening 5/1 and run through noon on Sunday 5/3. Participants can either return home to sleep or make arrangements to "camp out" at the zendo. All meals will be provided.
For those unable to attend the entire weekend, briefer "zazenkai style" participation from 6 am - 3 pm on Saturday can be elected.
Pre-registration by 4/27/15 is required. The cost for the full sesshin is $85 for ZDS members/$95 for non-members; to attend only on Saturday from 6-3, the cost is $40 for members/$45 for non-members. Financial assistance is available upon request.
For questions or to reserve a space, send an email to or call Joann Schultz at 520-490-9474.